Tag Archives: how to save money on your energy bill

Ductless Air Conditioning Contractors

5 Factors that Affect Your Heater Efficiency

Does Your Inefficient System Need Heating Repair in the Bay Area?

Opening your gas bill in the winter can be an eye-opener. If your gas bill seems to keep going up without a rate increase, it could be that your heater is working harder than it needs to. You may need heating repair in the Bay Area or you may need to invest in a new, more-efficient HVAC system. Here are some things to check on your furnace to make sure your heater is getting the most efficiency. Continue reading

Ventilation Upgrades to Your HVAC Systems

8 Great Upgrades to Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is crucial to your home’s comfort. So it does require maintenance and occasional upgrades to keep working efficiently. If you have an older system that’s seen some better days, here are some upgrades to your HVAC system to consider.

Useful Upgrades to Your HVAC Systems

Top reasons to add upgrades to your HVAC system are to improve efficiency or add functionality. Not surprisingly, the top additions are filtration and humidifier systems. Continue reading

Nest Programmable Winter Thermostat settings

Best Winter Thermostat Settings for Bay Area Homes

Winters in the Bay Area tend to be mild, but you will still probably run your furnace constantly. That can get expensive, especially if you have an older furnace or have neglected to schedule a winter furnace inspection for a few years. Fortunately, you can lower your heating bills a bit if you know the best winter thermostat settings for Bay Area homes.

The Best Winter Thermostat Settings Keep You Warm and Save You Money

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the most efficient winter thermostat setting for homes in Oakland or the East Bay is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home and awake. When you’re asleep or there’s nobody home, you can lower your thermostat by 10 degrees or more. Continue reading

bay area hvac home inspection

HVAC Mistakes That Can Cost You A Lot Of Money

The Top 3 Bay Area HVAC Mistakes That Are Costing You A Lot Of Money

As we are all sheltering in place, home-based tasks that may have been neglected are getting new attention. One of these is the fact that your home heating and air conditioning system isn’t delivering an even and consistent temperature around the house. This is especially true for rooms that may not have gotten a lot of use prior to being pressed into service as a home office!

You might also be seeing increased energy bills as a result of working from home and sheltering in place. You may also have realized that your allergies are aggravated by being in the house all day. In this article we share three steps to take to properly manage the flow of heat or cool air around your home more efficiently. Continue reading

Bay Area HVAC

HVAC System Efficiency Tips

Making Your Home’s HVAC System More Efficient

Nearly 50% of your home energy costs are related to the cooling and air in your home. Whether you’re in a new home and finding your bill a bit high or you’ve lived in your home for years, but your bill seems to be rising, you may be in need of Bay Area air conditioning services. There are numerous ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system and get those bills to drop in price. Continue reading