Author Archives: Ben

Mitsubishi heat pump installation, Air Conditioning Repair in the Bay Area

Improve Indoor Air Quality Through the Winter Months

If you’re like many homeowners, you worry about your utility costs. Having the right size heat pump for your home can make your unit more efficient and less expensive to run. If you’re in the market for a Mitsubishi heat pump installation, you can try to determine the right size unit on your own or you can ask one of our professionals to accurately size the unit based on multiple factors. Continue reading

Bay Area air duct cleaning

Should You Clean Your Air Ducts? Probably Not.

Do You Really Need Air Duct Cleaning?

You’ve seen the commercials for air duct cleaning in the Bay Area. “Studies show that air duct cleaning improves your health…” According to The Washington Post, “the evidence does not support (those) claims. … In fact, the little independent research performed on duct cleaning indicates that the process stirs up so much dust that it creates a bigger problem than it solves.” If the air quality in your home isn’t working for you, maybe duct cleaning can help, maybe it won’t. Here’s what to know. Continue reading

HVAC services in the Bay Area

Does My San Francisco Bay Area Home Need Air Conditioning?

The Best HVAC Services in the Bay Area Weigh In – Do You NEED AC?

Ever wondered why your home in the Bay Area doesn’t have central air conditioning? In the early 1970s, the area rarely had temperatures over 85 degrees, maybe 5 days a year. Today, some of the cities in the Bay Area have 15 or more days with temperatures higher than 85, making it more uncomfortable. If you’re looking for the best air conditioning companies, put Element Home Solutions at the top of the list. Here are some things to consider about installing air conditioning in your home. Continue reading

ac service

When and How Often Should You Service Your HVAC System?

Ideally, your air conditioner should be serviced regularly if you want to keep it working when you need it. However, you still need to know when to have your system serviced. While you might be tempted to only call an AC service only when your unit is breaking down, those kinds of repair bills will get expensive. You might have fewer visits from an HVAC contractor, but you will end up paying more for a functional air conditioner in the long run. Continue reading

heating repair in the bay area

How to Cool Your Home Without Breaking the Bank

Looking for Ways to Keep Your Bills Down?

You can’t very well live in the Bay Area, California and not have an efficient air conditioning system since the year-round warm weather requires it. Even so, running it often can get expensive. Element Home Solutions, an HVAC repair Bay Area company, would like to provide you with several tips to make staying cool easier on your budget.

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