bay area hvac

Should You Repair or Replace Your HVAC System?

Bryant Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Specialists – Repair or Replace?

When your furnace or air conditioner breaks down, should you have it repaired or replaced? That can depend on a number of factors, so before you start googling “Bryant AC installers near me,” here are a few things to consider.

  1. The Age of Your HVAC System
    Most HVAC systems will last between 15 and 25 years, and they really start to show their age after about 20 years. That’s usually when they stop working as efficiently as they once did, so you might notice things like higher energy bills, parts of your home that aren’t heating or cooling as evenly as they once did, frequent breakdowns, and other signs of a failing HVAC system. Your HVAC system might also start to wear down after 10 or 15 years if it’s too small for your home or if you live in a home with a lot of pets. While it is possible to get a full 25 years out of good Bryant heating and air conditioning systems, it’s usually better to replace an older system rather than have it repaired whenever it breaks down. After a certain point, there’s only so much that you can do.
  2. Your Repair Bills
    If you have a newer HVAC system that doesn’t cost you too much to run, it makes sense to pay a smaller repair bill to keep it running. On the other hand, if it’s going to cost you as much or more to repair a heating and cooling system as it is to replace it, you’re better off getting a replacement.
    If you’re not sure whether a repair bill is worth paying, consider what HVAC pros call the “5,000 rule.” If you multiply the age of your unit by the cost of the repair and come up with a number larger than 5,000, get a replacement HVAC system. You’ll save money in the long run.
  3. Efficiency and Energy Usage
    We’ve already talked about how older HVAC systems are less efficient, but you also might end up with an inefficient system if it’s the wrong size for your home or if it has a low SEER rating. The SEER rating is a measure of an HVAC system’s energy efficiency. Most modern HVAC systems have a SEER rating of over 20, and all systems are required to have a rating of at least 14 as of 2015. If you have a system with a lower SEER rating, consider replacing it with something more efficient. You should also speak with an HVAC professional if your current system is too big or too small for your home. Having a system that is too big for your home is just a waste of energy, while one that is too small will have to work harder to heat or cool your home. Neither scenario is good for your home’s energy consumption or your energy bill, so a replacement should be considered even if your current system is still fairly new.

Ductless Air Conditioning Systems in the Bay Area

For more information about repairing or replacing HVAC systems, contact Element Home Solutions today. We will be happy to answer any questions that you might have, including those about ductless air conditioning systems.